I have to be virtually kicked out of the house every day. Why I feel that my presence is going to make things get done faster is a mystery even to myself, but I find being there reassuring. I think the guys won't leave as long as I'm there.
Yesterday Saeed invited me for lunch. We perched on paint pots on the top floor and ate couscous as he told me about his life in Egypt, working in Iraq during the first Gulf War, and living in France. He's a very sweet, teddy bear like chap, always looks like life is getting him down slightly, incredibly hard working. Not long ago he sidled up to me and asked me what we were planning to do with the studio. Obviously nothing yet, it's a wreck, but I said once we're in the house we'll deal with the studio and then we'll rent it out. He sidled even closer, and whispered in my ear 'I would like to rent it. For my wife. My other wife.' I tried not to look too surprised, and simply replied that it is really quite small to live in. 'Not to live in. Just to see me sometimes.' I said I'd talk it over with Cyril, but I have to say I'm not that keen on having a shag pad right next to the living room. It makes me feel a bit queasy just thinking about it. We've never brought the subject up again.
i really like the idea of you as a madam. and i mean that in the professional sense. could be an economic bonanza, renting the studio by the hour! mostly i am staggered that he felt comfortable enough to ask you. i hope he wasn't asking you to be his other wife.
p.s. the kitchen is going to be very sleek and lovely!
Agree with Jenny. For heaven's sake, he is in a professional relationship with you, but the money only to do with the building, yes? For crying out loud. And the idea of them sharing a party wall with your living room is straight out of Bunuel (or however you spell him). Magnificent narrative twist. Not as magnificent as the kitch is clearly going to be, though. xx
I am the other wife.Way to shatter our dreams of love.
long commute on the love train, e!
there have been no updates for a while. either you are so busy packing you've lost your computer, or the house is done and you've nothing left to say. which is it?
I'm too busy crying. I can't bear this. I'm so tired, so stressed, the house (last time I saw it on Thursday) a mess, even though it's nearly there not a single room was done.
And I'm just plain sad. i hate moving. I hate change. Which is pretty funny coming from someone who never stays put for longer than 7 years since BIRTH.
where are you?
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