Sunday, June 1, 2008

The big mirror is now above the fireplace, looking like something on loan from Versailles. The painters knocked some of it off as they were manhandling it into position and promised to knock some bits off the other side off to make it symmetrical. I forbore to mention that I'd paid 1000€ for it. Luckily it looks OK even missing bits and wonky.

Also note that the walls are now painted a very subtle shade of off white. Much much better than before. If anyone is interested in 4 pots of Farrow and Ball Off White (a misnomer, incidentally) do get in touch, it's all yours.

And the kitchen, which is still far from showing any signs of ever being useful for preparing food, nonetheless now has a huge magnetic blackboard panel ready for shopping lists and scrawled reminders of school trips and doctors appointments:

1 comment:

jenny said...

looking good...that is one big mirror.